St Augustine’s Nursery offers pre-school care and education in a safe, caring and stimulating environment in which children can develop and learn with confidence and enjoyment and where each child is valued as a unique individual. We have skilled staff who support children's learning and development following the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.
Our friendly staff and exciting environment ensure that children settle quickly, feel safe, valued, and excited to learn and explore in their setting. We strive to cater for the differing needs of each child through building positive relationships with the children and their families and through our well-planned and engaging provision.
Choosing the right educational start for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. Children develop quickly and as practitioners we aim to do all we can to help children have the best possible start in life.
Children have a right, and we endeavour to provide an environment which enables them to develop their personalities, talents and abilities irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, disabilities or gender as stated by The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
We value a close relationship between home and nursery to allow your child to flourish. Communication is very important to us, and we hope by building these relationships, we can provide the best support possible for you and your child at the start of this exciting new chapter of their learning journey.
We use Tapestry to keep parents up to date about what is happening in Nursery. We share photographs and videos of the children and send messages to keep in contact with parents about upcoming events. We operate an ‘open door’ policy and will always make time to discuss your child’s successes and address any concerns as they arise.
The team
- Nursery Teacher: Mrs Hill
- EYFS and Year 1 Standards Leader – Mrs Fox
Nursery staff are Paediatric First Aid Trained
Our Learning environment
Our Early Years curriculum and environment ensure that imaginations spark and friendships build as children explore ideas, experience new things, create and construct, laugh, learn and play together.
Explore Experience Enjoy
All parents want their children to feel safe, secure, and happy at school. They also want their children to achieve. We endeavour to develop the ‘whole’ child providing enjoyable and creative experiences within which to flourish. At St. Augustine’s all children are encouraged, supported and challenged to become the best they can be.
We are a Catholic school with our mission ‘Hand in hand we listen to God’s call, we learn from God’s Word, and we share God’s love through service. the heart of everything we do’. Our school Nursery is a place which offers children the stability and enrichment that they need to become the unique individuals God created them to be.
Our Learning environment
Explore Experience Enjoy
Learning environment - INDOOR Learning area
We endeavour to inspire in our children a love of learning where they explore, push boundaries and experience the awe and wonder of their world with enjoyment in a safe and stimulating environment with a highly skilled and inspirational staff team.
Our children’s learning journey builds upon the firm foundations of home life begun with yourselves. Our carefully planned curriculum expands their skills and knowledge in all seven areas of the EYFS through a colourful, stimulating and varied curriculum that ensures our children enter their school reception class confident and eager to learn.
Our provision ensures that our children play, learn and thrive as they are supported by skilled staff who understand and care for them in a safe space that inspires their young minds to grow and mature in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Learning environment - OUTDOOR learning area
We make full use of our outdoor environment and the wider school grounds to develop skills and knowledge in all areas of learning.
Outside is where lots of physical play happens such as :
- Riding bikes
- Climbing
- Balancing
- Building
- Imaginary play; in the mud kitchen
- Playhouse
- Construction Area (play area)
- Sand tray
- 'I spy insects' in their bug hotel
- Observing nature
- Counting and sorting everything from the number of ducks to leaves and pebbles
- 'Mark making' with chalk, sticks and water
- Stories, songs and rhymes.
The Wider outdoors
Our school field, prayer garden and Forest school is a perfect space to discover, explore and experience nature at its best in all of its seasons.
From bear hunts, picnics, den-making, bird watching, mini beast investigation and story telling our imaginations spark!!!
Many of the activities which the children undertake in Nursery are initiated by them as they access and make use of the learning areas like our home corner and writing area. They are also regularly involved in whole class, group and individual tasks.
sessions and funding
All children aged 3 years and over are entitled to universal 15 hours of government-funded childcare from the term after their 3rd birthday, e.g. if your child’s birthday is in October, they will be entitled to funding in January.
Additional government funding for working parents of 3 and 4-year-olds means that you may also be entitled to extended funded hours totalling 30 hours per week to find out more please click here
We take children from the age of 3 years.
We offer 15 hours for 3-year-olds and 15 or 30 hours for 4-year-olds (pre-school).
Our sessions operate term time only:
- 15 hours - 8.30am-11.30am
- 30 hours* – 8.30-3.10pm (places are limited)
*Additional hours (we offer provision outside the 30 hours to coincide with the end of the school day) These are charged at our current hourly rate of £2.50 per half hour and an invoice will be issued at the beginning of each Month to be paid no later than the end of each month. Fees will still be charged when children are absent.
Applying for a place
We have 3 annual intakes for 3-year-olds, September, Christmas and Easter.
We welcome visits to our nursery and school. Please contact the school office by phone or email and we will arrange a visit.
Should you require further information or if you are considering applying for a place at our nursery, please contact the school office 02476 596988
Our Daily Routine
Our well-planned activities are designed to stimulate and engage the children’s imaginations and natural curiosity as they learn through play and playful activities. Each session offers a variety of activities both indoors and outdoors, including physical, creative and fun interspersed with quiet times, small group and adult-led learning, as well as many spontaneous learning opportunities that arise from the children’s interests.
During mid-morning, a nutritious snack is provided, offering valuable opportunities to acquire social and self-help skills.
At 11:30, children attending for 30 hours will have lunch with Nursery staff. This is an excellent time for communication, relationship-building, and rest before the afternoon activities commence.
Each age group has a flexible daily routine that meets all care needs and provides opportunities for learning and development through play and investigation.