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At St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that our faith forms the foundations for all we say and do. We ensure Christ and the Gospel Values form the basis of all that we do, ensuring we make it relevant to the day-to-day life of our children. In school, we aim to implement a broad and balanced curriculum, suited to the needs of each child.

We encourage each child to develop an understanding of his/her individual worth and offer all our children opportunity to achieve their full potential. We strive to work alongside our parents, parish to build a wider community in which our children can feel valued and supported. We foster and develop an appreciation, respect and understanding of other cultures and faiths.

At St Augustine’s we follow the Birmingham Diocesan strategy for Religious Education – Learning and Growing as People of God – which sets out the steps of learning for all our children. To support children in their journey of faith, the strategy includes children learning from the Old and New Testament, life of the Church, discipleship, what is it to live as a Christian today, the organisation of the church and Liturgical seasons.

Sacramental Preparation

Sacrament preparation is focused in Years 3 and 6. Children prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Year 3 and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Year 6. Retreat days are organised with the support of our MAC secondary school – Cardinal Newman – aswell as clubs to support the children’s spiritual journey. Parents are encouraged to support and take part in this journey of faith alongside the children by attending meetings, talking to their child and attending weekly mass.