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Hand in hand, we listen to God’s Call, we learn from God’s word and we share God’s love through service

The aim of St. Augustine’s is to ensure our pupils fulfil their potential, spiritually, morally, academically, mentally and physically.  We aim to work in partnership with parents, guardians, and the parish to make our school a safe and happy environment where children have positive experiences that will shape the disciples and citizens they become.


The aims of St. Augustine’s school are to;

  • Make Christ and the Gospel values relevant to the day to day life of the children.
  • Work with parents and the parish to build up a community.
  • Implement a curriculum, which is broad, balanced and suited to the needs of each child.
  • Encourage each child to develop an understanding of his/her individual worth.
  • Offer all children equal opportunities to achieve their potential.
  • Encourage each member of the school to be aware of the needs of others, both within school and in the world at large.
  • Respect other faiths and beliefs.


  • Make children aware of the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.
  • Implement the National Curriculum in a manner appropriate to the needs and ability of each child.
  • Monitor the progress of each child in order that his/her development may take place on an informed basis.
  • Give children an opportunity to share in responsibility for their learning and the life of the school.
  • Define appropriate behaviour and reinforce this with praise and rewards.
  • Encourage a positive attitude to learning, reinforcing with praise and rewards.
  • Work with parish and parents in events and celebrations throughout the year.